About ARM of Save the Family
Incorporated in 1992, ARM (Affordable Rental Movement) of Save the Family was created as a separate but affiliated nonprofit entity of Save the Family, providing affordable housing for individuals and families throughout the East Valley.
ARM provides access to supportive services through Save the Family’s Homeless Families Intervention Project (HFIP) to help families maintain and increase their self-sufficiency.
ARM Disclosures & Inquiries into Application
ARM (Affordable Rental Movement) is no longer providing positions or “numbers” of individuals on the waitlist. ARM will only confirm if you are or are not on the waitlist, and confirm contact information on file.
Any changes of address or contact information MUST be submitted in writing in order to be updated. Requests may be sent via email to [email protected], or by mail at Save the Family, 125 E. University Dr Mesa, AZ 85201. Requests made over the phone will not be accepted.
ARM is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This program offers rental assistance which is based upon the household’s income. Applicants must be income eligible based on HUD Income Limits of 60%; further information is available at www.hudexchange.info/programs/home/home-income-limits/.
ARM provides reasonable accommodations upon request. Any applicant who has special needs to read or complete the ARM application can request assistance from Save the Family. We will arrange for staff members to translate from Spanish to English and/or to read required documents onsite. Additional arrangements can be made through TDDY and/or signing through the community Human Resource Directory for Maricopa County.
ARM of Save the Family does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, handicap, or familial status. Housing funded in part through Maricopa County HOME Consortium, Arizona Dept. of Housing, and City of Mesa HOME funds.
ARM Application
ARM of Save the Family is NOT currently accepting applications.
If you would like status on your current application, or have updates, please email [email protected].