Valley Supporters Come Through for Children at Back to School Bash

Aug 3, 2022 | Uncategorized

Nearly 250 children in Save the Family’s programs have new backpacks, school supplies and encouragement going into the new school year, thanks to the generosity of our community. Save the Family held its annual Back to School Bash on Saturday, July 16th, welcoming hundreds of children from our housing and supportive services programs. The Back to School Bash offers a helping hand – and budget relief – for families that are struggling as they stabilize after experiencing homelessness.

We want to give a special thank you to the women of the Mahnah Club of the East Valley, who tirelessly sorted backpacks and supplies in advance of the Bash. Also, a big thanks to Dominium, who sent a crew of volunteers to assist the day of the Bash with distribution of backpacks, supplies and clothing for students attending the event.

Thanks to the Carol Royse Real Estate Team, ESI Ergonomic Solutions, Lavidge Co., the Leisure World community, the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia, PacSci EMC, Silicon Valley Bank, State Farm – the Misty Virgil Team, Taylor Street, and several other individual donors, our students are ready to start the new school year well-supplied and eager to learn. Because of the incredible generosity of our community, we had enough backpacks and supplies to offer our families and share with Title I schools* across Mesa.

Save the Family served 1,197 children last year, providing stable housing, afterschool and summertime programming, and a host of resources designed to help children and their families get back on their feet after experiencing homelessness. Housing instability is a major impediment to academic success for children, with 9 out of 10 children who experience homelessness dropping out before earning their high school diploma. Programs like Save the Family and its Back to School Bash offer a lifeline to families in need and vastly improve a child’s chance at success – both in school and far into the future.

If you’d like to get your office, church or family involved at Save the Family and start making a difference for families in need, please contact Save the Family’s Director of Marketing and Outreach, Jamie Podratz at (480) 466-7706 or

*Title I Schools are schools with a student population where 40% or more come from low-income families.