Our Programs

Once families are housed, Case Managers help parents set and achieve goals geared toward ensuring the family’s long-term housing and financial stability, which often can include securing employment, moving up in the workplace, improving financial literacy, building life-skills, and addressing substance abuse and mental health. The Case Manager helps the family through their entire journey to self-sufficiency. Our programs complement each family’s goals and include career services, budgeting classes, parenting classes, other life-skills classes, and access to in-house mental health and substance abuse support. We also provide drop-in child care, afterschool and summer programs for children – all focused on halting cycles of homelessness and poverty. Supportive services are also available to families residing in Affordable Rental Movement (ARM) of Save the Family’s affordable housing, and we provide eviction prevention services for families throughout the East Valley.

Last Year


of families served obtained permanent housing.


of families maintaining or increasing their income while in our programs.


of children saw improved Youth Star* scores (a comprehensive measure of wellbeing, academic & social emotional development)

These successes are the roots of lifelong change and positive developments for our Save the Family families.

Programs and Services Available to Clients of Save the Family


Services available to clients who are enrolled in our housing programs include a Career Center with computers, job board, fax and on-site assistance, interview and career coaching, job-finding assistance, job-readiness workshops, 1:1 financial coaching, clothing/shoes, tools, and transportation assistance.


Save the Family provides career development services, mental health and substance abuse support, financial literacy and budgeting classes, and other programs to meet the needs of parents in our programs. Other offerings include life-skills, budgeting, parenting, and domestic violence/trauma healing classes and support groups, landlord-tenant relations, family planning, wellness, nutrition and food budgeting, and legal services.


Services include an in-house Counselor who works in tandem with Case Managers and other Direct Services Staff to assist clients with addressing mental health and/or substance abuse issues that may be presenting barriers to achieving self-sufficiency. Clients are provided with substance abuse rehabilitation, support, education services and connections with appropriate community supports.


The Families enrolled in our programs can enjoy numerous child related services including drop-in childcare for infants-five year olds and after-school/summer programming for school-aged children. Programs are provided at our main campus where infants and preschoolers are cared for on-site while their parents work on securing income and housing, or during parent meetings with case managers. School-aged children engage in life-skills, arts/crafts, homework help, and prevention education after school and during the summer. Children are also connected with summer camps and other extracurricular activities, and we provide fee assistance and transportation for these purposes as needed.


Save the Family has specific programs and staff dedicated to serving military veterans. To learn more about Valor on Eighth, an affordable housing community created specifically with veteran women and families in mind, click on the button below.


Save the Family’s housing affiliate nonprofit, Affordable Rental Movement (ARM) of Save the Family offers affordable housing and an array of services focused on maintaining housing and financial stability.