Save the Family Program Graduates Celebrated at Family Success Night

May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized

Last Thursday, more than 60 families, community members, and supporters showed up to celebrate the hard work and determination of the families served by Save the Family this year. Several parents were honored for their accomplishments over the last year – new jobs, finding permanent housing, and more.

Save the Family hosts this graduation-like event every spring to honor the dedication of the families in our programs. Despite facing difficult circumstances – domestic violence, serious illness, loss of a job and/or their homes – these moms and dads work incredibly hard in order to provide a better life for their children. They deserve to be celebrated! We are grateful to be a part of their success.

You make these successes possible. Your time, donations, both monetary and in-kind, and support makes a huge difference for families as they overcome hardship. You make our mission to equip families to address poverty, overcome homelessness, and achieve self-sufficiency possible.

Thank you! Please join us in congratulating the families exiting our programs this spring. Keep up the great work!